Not Fade Away.

Red Final

It is with a heavy heart but an incredibly optimistic spirit that I wanted to announce that after nearly five years of weekly blogging, Burlesque Seattle Press will be going on a little hiatus, as they say in the entertainment industry.

As a writer and lover of burlesque, the friends I’ve made and the many, many artists and photographers I’ve met over the years have influenced me in more ways than can be counted.  I’m a better writer and a more keen observer of all types of arts because of it.  (Not to mention that ever since I first became associated with burlesque-folk, my natural proclivities for flashy jewelry and makeup have been given full reign).

Burlesque Seattle Press has provided some incredible opportunities that I would not have had otherwise: multiple interviews with personal heroines such as Jo “Boobs” Weldon, paulanow (formerly Paula the Swedish Housewife), Lily Verlaine, Dixie Evans, Joan Arline, and Dita Von Teese among them. I can honestly say that in my freelance writing, burlesque stars have hands-down been the most creative and passionate artists I’ve profiled.

And I hope to continue to do so, just not in the medium of weekly blogging.

As other demands in my life have increased, I’ve realized that a weekly blog format that is constant, vital, and filled with quality writing is harder and harder to maintain.  And in that situation I believe, as the song goes, that “it’s better to burn out than fade away”.

I’ve had some amazing regular contributors along the way: Rayleen Courtney, Madeline Rider, and most importantly,  the great minds and huge burlesque hearts of Paul O’Connell and Crystal Tassels.  You should continue to follow Paul and Crystal HERE and HERE to see where they’ll be popping up next.  I love and respect those two more than words can say.

I would be remiss not to thank The Shanghai Pearl, Indigo Blue, Kitten LaRue, Lily Verlaine, Jasper McCann, paulanow, Jo Jo Stiletto, Violet Tendencies, and Bettie Beelzebubb and Olympia’s Own TUSH! Burlesque for their support from the very beginning.

As for me, I’ll still be writing…  COUNT ON IT.   See you around.

XO Jessica Price

Stackedd Magazine

Back Beat Seattle

Seattle Gay News

Shiny Is My Favorite Color

(and more)

~ by angrytruffle on 11/03/2014.

One Response to “Not Fade Away.”

  1. Good luck, Jessica! Enjoyed the blog for years. And how awesome was it to discover Ta author not only shared the same building with, but worked at the same company as well!

    All the best! Keep on being awesome!

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